Alright, armchair brawlers! It's time for a quick lesson on how to properly dispatch your enemies in Square Enix's Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Face it, sometimes it's hard to go by textual descriptions and explanations of gameplay elements alone, so now, we see it in action.While you can probably pummel your opponents silly by mashing buttons (which is my all-time favorite tactic when I start panicking, mind you), the more strategic combatants would want to make use of the Brave Points and Break mode system. Besides, if you're already beating the lifestream out of someone, you might as well do it in style...See those numbers flashing on screen every time an attack connects? Those are what we call Brave Points. The higher it goes, the more damage you deal. Now here's where a bit of strategy comes in: see, some attacks can deal damage to your opponent's Brave Points (in typical FF speak, think of this as, say, casting Osmose on your enemy to drain their MP).And with that, we move to the second video: once your opponent's Brave Points get reduced to zero (haha, what a noob), they go into Break mode. Basically, they're stunned for a couple of seconds, in which case you can pummel them even more, this time with unabashed impunity (aww, poor Garland).
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